Here is an HTML code to copy for a 125x125 version of it. COPY THIS CODE (replace the red with your shop or website address!)
<a href="" / > <img src="" width="125" size="125" />
Tip: Now you must copy your web home page address exactly, yours may or may not have an .html extension at the end of it! If you want to mess with the size, replace the 125 with a different size
Here is the same code with it centered...
<center><a href=" / > <img src="" width="125" size="125" /></center>
<center><a href=" / > <img src="" width="125" size="125" /></center>
Simplicity in website design doesn’t necessarily equate with a minimalist design aesthetic. Simple sites just remove all unnecessary elements from the design, content, and code. While minimalist sites generally fit this criteria, there are plenty of sites that wouldn’t, by any stretch of the imagination, be considered “minimalist” that still fit the definition of simple.